Are You thinking of Starting a career in Digital Marketing? it a a great choice I can tell you this without any problam ...

I've been practicing digital digital marketing for more than 15 years and it' never too late for anyone

with and without prior experience, to get into the exciting world of online marketing.

The good news, is that you can learn digital marketing  without following adigital marketing course 

at a college or unviersity , althrough there are plenty of options.

You can start a career in Digital marketing by building the required skills using online resource and by sarving client around the world form the confort of your own home.

                Digital Marketing Salary

For many people, it 's the salary that makes a good career , and rate digital marketing salaries are more than compatative.

in a recet industry survey by Credo they found that the average rate for digital marketing consultants worldwide is $200 per hour.

Marketing Strategy

         Top Five Steps to start a successful

                         Digital Marketing Field To Acheive Goal

           1. Get to know the basics of digital marketing.

          2Start your own website.

          3.  Become an SEO Expert.

          4.  Get a Google Ads Ceritification.

           5. Get a Digital Marketing Job as a Freelancer.


      1 . Get to know the basics of digital marketing

For beginner to digital maketing, the first obvious step ste is to understand what is 
digital marketing and the main and the main component that make up digital marketing.

Digital marketing or online marketing as it is sometime known is a broad term that is used to descriebe the process of marketing on the internet.

It has a  number of prometion. You need to understand that it's not a single discipline but it has a  number of process (channel) that can participate in a digital marketing compaign.

In particular , digital marketing has the following channels:

          . Search Engine Marketing -- covers two areas: search engine                                optimization organic SEO ad paid search advertising.
            . Website Marketing -- promoting your website on the internet .
             . Content Marketing -- how to use different types of content your                    digital types of content in yourdigital marketing campaigns.

               . Email Marketing - marketing product or service using email.

                . Social Media Marketing-- marketing on facebook,instagram                             an other social media networks.

                  . Mobile Marketing--marketing on the various App Store Google                               Play, Apple store.
                  . Video Marketing-- markeitng on Youtube, vmeo, and other                            video    channels.

                   . Affliate Markeiting -- making sales by promoting ther people                                productand getting an affliate commission.

         2 . Start your own website 

            Once you get to known the basics, the next step is to get your hands dirty and             start practicing digital marketing.
           One of the best ways  to apply different digital marketing concept in the real              world is to start your own website .

         digital marketing is not a theoreticl cooncept , but it is highly measurable and             practical. It 's highly measurable and practical. It 's not enough to know the                     theory behind SEO and social media marketing you need to know how to                  apply the different in practice.

      3 Become an SEO Expert

You cannot pursue a career in digital marketing if you are not good at SEO . You first need to become an SEO expert then build other skills.

        With SEO you'll learn how to create webite that both users and searchengine love and you can apply the same concept  to impove your Google Ads and facebook paid campaigns.

   Build your SEO career gradually and then you feel that you have mastered the skills of SEO ,continue with the rest.

4. Get a google Ads Certification

Part of your job reposibilities as a digital marketing consulting is to use Google ads previously knoen as Google AdsWORDS, to promte products or service in the various Google properties and website s on the internet .

THe fastest way to acquire  the necessary skills is to get a Google ADS certificate Google has a plethora of resource to help you become a google adsword expert and getting a certificate is great way to prove to your have the  necessary skills.

5. Master Facebook ads advertising

The next step is to start with social media marketing and in paticular Facebook ads. 
As a digital marketing specialist you need to knw the different social media network work (twitter, instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin) But the majority of your tiem campaign budget will be spent on facebook and instagram.

Facebook besides being a greatsocial network is now one of the most important tools for any digital marketingcampaign.

Getting organic exposure on Facebook is getting harder so the onlyway to use Facebook as a selling tools, is to learn how to use it advertising platform.

If you have already followed the steps above and have god knowlege of SEO and Google Ads, learning how to use Facebook Ads will not be difficult.

Many of the concept are simliers to ppc but you still need to learn how to user the  tools and familiarize youself with the various Facebook polices .

I hope you are understand my article please comment::