Encounter: Army Colonel, Major And DSP of Jammu And Kashmir police Martyred In Anantnag Kashmir 

The anti-terrorist operation launched during the previous night in the forest area of Kokernag in Anantnag district turned out to be the bloodiest .

Two army officers including a colonel, major, and DSP of Jammu and Kashmir police martryed during an anti- terrorist operation at Gadole area of Kokernag in south Kashmir's Anantnag district today, official said.

The anti-terrorist operation launched during the previous night in the forest area of Kekernag in Anantnag district turned out to be the bloodiest for the army and Police who lost three of its senior officers in the encounter with terrorists, 

Army spokesperson in srinager while sharing the details about the operation earlier in the day said that" Based on specific intelligence on the presence of terrorist a joint Operation was launched by Indian Army and jammu and kashmir Police on the intervening night of  12-13 Sep in Area Gerol, Anantnag.

"The spokesperson further added that " Contract established and firefight ensured. Two Army personnel and one j&k Police personnel were injured. Operation in progress.''

A top forces official told News24 that during the initial exchange of firing between terrorist and a joint team of army and police , two senior army officers and a DSP rank police officer recieved bullet wound injuries. He said that initially army colonel succumbed to the injuries despite enormous efforts by forces, The lives of the Mojor and DSP Could 't be saved as well and they too succumbed to the injuries before being evacuated to the hospital.

Althrough the official confirmation on the killing of three officers is still awaited from the Police and they army the source said that all three officers from the army and Police came under heavy fire from terrorists whose numbers is still known. Sources further said that there was no fresh contact with the terrorist after the intial encounter. 

Another senior police officer while giving detail about the palace of encounter said that area is densely forested and mostly Pakistani terrorist operate and hide in this kind of place, he said that after  coming under heavy fire the evacuation of officer also took long as the army chopper was waiting at some distance away from the operational area. The delay in the evacuation operation had led to the blood loss of injured officers and their lives Couldn't be saved.

Terrorist outfit TRF has claimed responsiblity for the encounter and said that its special squad carried out the operatio. Police and other security agencies are tight-lipped about the TRF claim but source said that the forest area of Kokernag where this encounter took place is connected with the Kulgam Hallen forest where terrorist outfit PAFF (People's Anti-Fascist Front ) had carried out a similiar attack on army last month on 04 August killing three army soldiers.